I joked about it a few days ago, but I didn’t think it would happen. Not this fast. But it did.

Red Hot Steele hit #1 on Amazon’s Psychic Mysteries list.

I'm #1! I'm #1! The day this was posted anyway.

I’m #1! I’m #1! The day this was posted anyway.

This is exciting on so many levels, but I find it really amazing that the book is doing so well given that I’ve done zero publicity and marketing for it. Seriously. None. I told my friends on Facebook and Twitter about it, posted about it here on my blog, and told my real life, flesh-and-blood friends and family about it, and that’s it. No promotional sales on Bookbub, ENT, or the like. No ads on sites. No blog tours. No local or national media exposure (though that would be great—call me journalists!). Red Hot Steele has thrived off organic growth and landed at the top spot in one of its two main categories in less than two months.

Now, I’m not going to get into the nitty gritty of sales numbers or strategies—I’m saving those for my three month published author introspective in January—but I can offer a little insight into why I think Red Hot Steele has done so well.

1) I wrote a great book, one that’s exciting and funny and engrossing right off the bat. No modesty here. I did. And as much as people want to overlook this part of being a bestselling author, it’s the most important and the hardest part.

2) I got a great, and I mean fantastic, piece of cover art. It’s unique and eye catching, but it still fits the genre and theme of the book. Thanks Damon Za!

3) I wrote a really snazzy blurb. It makes you want to read the book—like, right now. This makes a difference. If your blurb is boring, chances are the book is boring, too.

And that’s it. Seriously. I didn’t necessarily believe it before I started, but if you write a great book with a great cover and a great blurb, people will find it and buy it. It might take a few days or a few years, but it will happen.

I can also offer another piece of advice to keep the party going. Write a great sequel—which I did. Cold Hard Steele will be available in January. Stay tuned.


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