So as you may have noticed, I’ve redesigned the site. Spending the last two months or so of new fatherhood away from this website let me realize that it needed to be spruced up a bit.

The first thing you’ll notice of course is the new theme (WordPress Twenty Fourteen). I picked my old theme as a quick second choice after fighting a different, older theme for hours, and while it did an adequate job, there were a few things about it that always irked me. First and foremost was the lack of full blog posts on the main page. I think the blog is much more accessible now that you can scroll through the most recent posts one after another. I also find this newly designed WordPress theme to be more organized and professional in presentation, which is always a good thing.

The next important change I’ve made is in content, which is embodied by the new site tagline:

Going beyond writing, to science fiction, fantasy, heavy metal and beyond.

Basically, this used to be a catch-all blog for the things that interested me, namely sci-fi, fantasy, and heavy metal. I’ll still post about those things when the mood strikes me, but from now on there will be more of an emphasis on blogging about writing, from craft to motivation to business and more.

Why the change? Well, writing blogs are popular, both among authors and readers, and having a blog that is a *bit* more writing oriented will help me in my third and most important change.

The last change is that I’m officially promoting myself as a fantasy author now. Yes, for those of you who didn’t know and had yet to pick up on the hints, I write, and not just blog posts but fiction. Mostly fantasy, but science fiction too. I’ve written a full novel, am halfway through a second, and I’m trying everything I can to turn this hobby into my full-time profession.

That means that I need to do a better job of self-promotion, and it starts here. I am now officially “Alex Perez-Bergquist – Fantasy Author”, and to make that point obvious, I’ve got a fancy new header stating that point succinctly.

Eventually, once I have books in stores that I’m trying to sell, I envision this site as serving both as my personal blog and author website (in case you were wondering, already redirects here). Until then, the site will remain as mostly a blog, but as my burgeoning new career progresses, so will this site.

I want to thank all of you who read this site, and I promise that I’ll be more diligent about posting on a regular basis from now on, which should be a bit easier as baby #2 is finally starting to sleep a bit better at night.


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